The Best Day Of Your Life

Too often we get stuck in the negatives in life and fail to remember those special days, events or weeks and even years that bring a smile to our face and a warm glow to our heart.

Yes, life can be filled with disappointment, adversity and troubles and more for some of us than others, but in the end we always have special times, if we will take time to remember them, which make all of the trouble worthwhile.

Was it the birth of a child? A promotion? A special vacation? Or something else that makes you feel a sense of calm, joy or peace?

As I look back over the years there are many special times in my life.

Turning my life over to Christ
The birth of my daughter.
My first standing ovation.
Wonderful letters of testimony from some of my favorite clients.
My first international speaking engagement.
The day I met the true love of my life.

I could go on but this isn't about me but you.

Have you taken some time recently to focus and remember those special moments, days or events that will always have a special place in your mind? If not, why not?

Do you have journals, scrapbooks or some other device or process for recording these special times? Again, if not, why not?

I know that current technology has replaced the idea of a journal or scrap book but let me ask you, have you ever had a device crash or lost all of its memory never to be recaptured. I have. I have lost entire books that were ready for publication due to a hard drive crash. Again, I know - there are backups and clouds where we can store our memories. But, consider - sitting on the couch or around the dinner table flipping pages with handwritten notes on the pages that make you laugh or just smile.

I have watched people flip through their I Pad screens looking at photos but for me there is more to memories than just the picture on a screen.

I was recently sharing my High School Reunion Yearbook with a friend and she loved all of the notes written on many of the pages.

What makes a day, a moment or an event memorable or special? Is it the event itself or some of the memories connected with the event?

Was it the photo or conversation you had about it? Was it the memory alone or the other related memories that it triggered?

So, what defines a best day in your life?

We all have certain things or people in our life that when we think about them make us smile, laugh or just feel good to be alive. I'm not talking here about these, but those really special events or people that make us jump for joy, real joy. Is it the feeling they bring us or how they make us feel about ourselves or could it be both?

I recall looking into the eyes of my newborn daughter thinking my life would never be the same from that point on. Yes, the years have passed but that memory is alive and well and is recalled every time I see her even though it has been years and yes years since that event.

For me - a best day in my life is something that makes me glad I am alive - period.

So, if this is the case can't we really have best days every day? Consider it.
How can we have more "best" days during our life?

Here are a few things to consider.

Feel joy every minute just because you are alive.

Feel gratitude for what you have rather than focusing on what is missing.

Remember that there is always someone who is worse off in some way than you.
Know in your heart that you are loved, respected and that the best is desired for you by God.

Say thank you every day and sometimes every minute for all of the blessings life is giving you or has given you.

Learn to see the good in everything rather than the negative.

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