What Is the Colour of Your Success?

I find that before adopting any particular tactic or method in your life, it's worthwhile to take some time to really hone in and explore what success means to you (and only you). In other words, what is the colour, taste, smell and feel of success for you? For some it may be developing the ability to express a talent; splashing paint on a canvas or finding your voice in writing, for others it could mean leaving a 9 to 5 job and earn a lucrative living at a business you enjoy, for yet others, it may mean the getting to spend time with loved ones or having the freedom of lifestyle to travel.
Whatever your idea of success may be or whatever your plans and dreams are in life, have you considered that life may also have some plans for you? Yes, that's right, besides all the efforts that you may be out there to bring your dreams into reality, there may be a life or story that is even bigger than you've even dared to imagine that wishes to be lived or created through you! As the mystic poet Rumi says: "what you are seeking is seeking you".
I want to invite you into this archetypal realm for a little bit so that you allow yourself to explore this greater story, sometimes referred to as the "hero's story" (Joseph Campbell) I believe we are all called, at some level to follow our own hero or heroine's journey into bigger version of ourselves. I'm sure that you may have experienced this at times I your life when you've overcome an important obstacle or have had to rise to an occasion and face a set of circumstances that really challenged you. During those moments, you probably drew upon strengths you didn't even know you had within you.
In those moments, you stepped out of what I refer to as "the small story" into the "larger Story" of who you are and you probably had a taste of what success really looks and feels like to you in terms of a larger purpose you are here to serve. It's not the challenges themselves, but what we learn in overcoming them that brings us closer to our greatest capacities and our potential for success. Those times of struggle and obstacles tend to be the best training ground for what we need to learn and if we can seize those opportunities many doors tend to open as a result!
I wonder what smaller stories of success have you been perhaps stuck in or limited that you feel ready to shed and what life moments can you remember when you accessed the larger story that you may feel wants to be created within you?
Wishing you a radiant day!

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