Are You to Blame for the Successes in Your Life?

"Righteousness" is spelt the same way and "Sin" is spelt the same way
"Compromise" is spelt one way and "Holiness" is spelt one way.
"Self examination" is spelt the same way every time.
Does Right and a Little Wrong Equal Right? 
Life might be a few moments or 100 or more years, but during that time you are the person who will need to examine yourself. If you accept a lie as the truth then you are responsible. If you accept the truth in your life then you will be rewarded. The gift of a clear conscience can not be brought or stolen. It has been said you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. The writer and the reader are subject to the same rules. You are the captain of your life, it is your choice if you choose to live your life with purpose.
If you get away with wrong all your life, it does not mean that wrong is right. The moment of the last breath will come to everyone on the planet, so the fact is Righteousness and a little wrong mixed together will not produce righteousness.
Who is Your Captain? 
You are the captain of your mind, you have the power to have a clear conscience, by confessing the truth to yourself, will give you the power to have a clear conscience. Thoughts are things and wrong thought can lead to wrong actions. By the same rule good thoughts are able to lead to good actions. So you have an opportunity to persevere and fight to allow your thought to be good.
The Power of Accepting the Truth 
Nothing good comes easy, good things can take time and effort. So in order to get good thoughts consistently you will need to work on your thoughts on a regular basis. It has been said that you should think on things that are lovely and pure; Indeed it could be said that you become the thing that you think about on a regular basis. So choose your thoughts wisely and surround yourself with the situations and the kind of people of whom you want to become.
In concluding, you are the captain of your life, meaning you are responsible for all the things that you do in your life. You can not blame anyone. Successful people have been found to take responsibility for everything that happens in their life. If things are not right in your life take responsibility, and make the changes that will lead to the improvements that you desire. The first step could be as simple as acknowledging the truth, this may not be pleasant or easy to confess to yourself, however by accepting the truth to yourself could be the powerful step that can lead to great changes in your life.
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