Can Negative Thoughts Help You To Manifest Your Dreams

By Andrew Tatiana

The general premise of the Law of Attraction is to think good, positive thoughts about how you want your life to be and eventually your life will become what you think about. While all of this is well and good, how many of us can truly say that we are able to continually be positive and optimistic on a regular basis. Some of us simply aren't created this way. Does this mean that we are doomed to live a life based upon our negative thoughts and fears?

There are going to be times when negative thoughts and doubts come into our mind. We might feel that we are helpless to do anything about them. True fears and underlying doubts are a part of our makeup. Not all of us accept change easily and even the thought of positive changes can send some of us into a tailspin. Every positive change comes with the potential to upset the way things are in our life and this can frighten us or even cause us to sabotage even the most positive change in our life. Many of us even have hidden fears about such things as wealth and love that we deny yet which are very real in our mind. What can we do when these fears strike? Would it be possible to work with these emotions instead of against them to further leverage the Law of Attraction?

When using the Law of Attraction it is often suggested that you focus on your dream and think about it with a lot of emotion. The emotions of love, passion and desire are the emotions that are usually focused on when people talk about the Law of Attraction but isn't fear an emotion? Fear can sometimes be a more powerful emotion than desire for some of us. As a result, those things that we fear the most are often manifested in our life more quickly and sometimes immediately. Fear that something will go wrong at work will often cause the unexplained to happen. Fear that a loved one will leave us will sometimes cause that exact thing to happen. You can probably look back on your life and remember a time when a fear consumed you and that very thing that you were so fearful of happened. This is simply the Law of Attraction at work but instead of positive, optimistic emotions it was fear that was the emotion behind the thought.

The trick is to use these powerful negative emotions which are already running through your head. How can you turn things around and allow your fear to propel you towards those things that you know will make your life better? Even though you know that your fears might not be based upon reality, when these emotions wage war on your mind and your life, it might be easier to use them instead of denying or fighting with your emotions. When you're having a bad day and you're feeling down, why not allow those thoughts free reign and test out this theory?

For example, perhaps you have an elusive goal of falling in love. Maybe you have someone in mind or it could be that your dream is simply that someone wonderful comes into your life and falls in love with you. You want this to happen but history has shown that relationships end poorly for you. In the back of your mind there is constant doubt or fear that you'll be hurt or rejected. This fear becomes so overwhelming that you become emotional and frustrated with trying to have pleasant thoughts about this dream of falling in love.

Instead of being afraid of being rejected, why not try being afraid of this relationship coming to fruition? Think of how it would feel to wake up in the morning knowing that the person you loved was crazy about you. Your life would change. You would have more responsibilities. They would consume a lot of your time and you wouldn't have as much time for your friends or for yourself. What if they fell in love with you and they weren't as wonderful as you thought they were. What if they were clingy or jealous or if they smothered you with their love? Just think about being smothered by that person's love. Think about not having a moment alone or feeling as if they loved you more than you loved them. Oh the horror! Soon you will find that the thought of not receiving that love is gone and you're in a space where the love of your life not only falls in love with you but they consume you with that love. Fear has overwhelmed that doubt and now you have some powerful emotions behind that dream.

Surely, your goal is to make your dreams come true using the Law of Attraction and positive thoughts. You should still stick to that regimen when you're feeling positive and optimistic. Continue to spend time visualizing and meditating about your dreams and goals but for those times when negative thoughts might make you feel like you can't focus, turn them around. Try using those negative thoughts or those bad days to continue to propel you towards your goals. Stop beating yourself up because you feel somehow unfit or weak. We all have bad days and negative thoughts. Life is all about how we harness those thoughts and make them work for us instead of against us to bring into reality the life that we truly deserve.

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