Waking Up in Joy

This article is about releasing and forgiving. If someone has hurt or upset you, take time to reflect on what might have happened in their life to change them. Things are not always as they seem.
Occasionally we are broken so we can be mended the right way. Feeling our own heartbreak allows us to sympathize with others.
When we are born, our innocence and wonder exudes from us. There are no doubts, no fears, and life is full of wonder.
Time starts to change us when we go to school and meet other children and we find out how they live. This is when we decide in our minds what "normal" is. As we continue through grade school, middle school, junior high, high school and then college, our world has changed a lot. We are no longer that innocent child running through fields and playing on the swings, by the time we reach adulthood.
As we grow older, we are either working or in school, maybe started a family, or are dating. These other influences have helped mold the situations we encounter. Some of those will be mundane while others might be life altering.
Life might have been easy for some, and difficult for others. No one wakes up from being a child and says, "Hey, I'm going to be addicted to drugs, become an alcoholic, a hoarder, etc. Life has changed that person. You have to ask yourself, "at what point did their life change?" Just realize that their life might have had different circumstances in it than yours. This is not about them, this is about you. This is about releasing and forgiving.
Acknowledging this simple, yet powerful statement will help you release and forgive. The sole purpose of this is to understand that everyone was once a carefree child; full of love and innocence.
We were not born with the intent to hurt others or cause pain. When we were babies we only knew wonder and laughter. Life can change a person.
It does not make it right; nor wrong. This is about the decisions that they made in their own life, and has nothing to do with you. You were the outcome of those decisions. It is a part of acceptance. This is so powerful! "We were not born with the intent to hurt others or cause pain. When we were babies we only knew wonder and laughter. Life can change a person." Say this statement over and over until you understand the meaning of it. Again, this is not about you. Release everything that is associated with it, hurt, fear, pain, etc. You do not own it, so release it.
This is my prayer at night that helps me. "I release from me, all the things which do not bring me love and kindness. With each breath I will always try to give to others. The only things I need to survive is; food, water, clothes, shelter, and love.
When I say these things I am brought back to an innocent child whose only desire is to live, and love. In the circle of life, you always have to give back in some form or another, either to people or to the universe. By acknowledging what I need to survive I am in constantly reminded, and am grateful for my abundance.
My name is Tami Principe, I am the creator of my website, http://www.WomensRecreation.com. In short, I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I believe that we can learn important lessons from our struggles. I developed my website to offer hope and encouragement to others. I am the author of 4 books, "Walk In Peace," "My Soulful Journey," "The Wishing Well," and "The Green Rabbit."
My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation. Feel free to listen to the archives.

7 Steps to Waking Up in Joy

Do you sometimes feel an amazing power within you that energizes your body, makes you smile and giggle and it's bubbling inside you, ready to come out and show itself to the world; you just know it? Then, you wait and you wait and wait, as you observe that nothing different is in fact occurring. The intensity of the energy you felt starts to dim. You start feeling frustration and disappointment taking over, as you thought something energetically special was about to be observed. This time you envisioned yourself being able to keep that feeling alive; a wonderful wave of unseeingly good fortune unraveled in front of your very life. Now back to your reality; no tingly feeling in your body, normal smiles in your face and laughter exists but that childish like giggling isn't there anymore. All you can do is wait until your figure out how to sustain that "JOY".
If you resonate with these feelings or have had similar moments where you feel there is a lack of joy in your life, ask yourself in what area do I lack joy? Is it in your career, relationships, parenting, your business, or health? There is no reason why Joy can't be your life's aphorism. I am here to share with you some easy steps you can take every day to wake up in joy, to feel alive and delighted unremittingly.
Joy isn't something you should feel sporadically or under "special" circumstances; a wedding, your best friend's or your child's birthday, a pay increase, etc. Joy is the essence of why we have goals, why we repeat activities or recreate moments. Joy is about feeling exceptional every day for everything in our lives.
As I go into these few key steps in creating a life of joy, think of your life as an unwavering sea of abundance. Where you see an abundance of beauty and liveliness yet there is still so much more that you can't see, but you know it's there for when you desire more of it. Trust and allow yourself to tap into your sea of abundance. Take action every day for the next 30 days. Have these steps become part of your daily routing until you can no longer remember a time when they weren't part of your life. The simplest yet most difficult step is getting started. Jump right in, you deserve to start living joyously, now.
Steps to Waking up in Joy!
Step 1: Gratitude - In this very moment, what are you grateful for? You may think you have ten thousand reasons to be grateful for or it might be just one, either way say them each morning. Feel grateful and be grateful and watch as your heart feels with joy. Tip: Say it with a smile, it makes it that much more enjoyable.
Step 2: Me-time - Take 15 minutes every morning for yourself. You are the most important person in your life and unless you start with yourself, everyone else will never receive all that you have to offer them. How much you love yourself is how much you will allow others to love you, not one inch more or less. Start with the gift of time with 15 minutes a day. You are worth it.
Step 3: Food is bliss - Put into your body at least one food full of color and life (that does mean not processed!). If you are not in optimal physical condition and sugars, salts, and caffeine are your best friends; how do you expect to feel joy? Now, I am not saying make drastic changes to your life at this precise moment, but make the conscious decision to treat yourself well. Then again, when will you be ready to start taking the action you need to live the life you've always wanted? Go for that kale!
Step 4: Breathe - Easy enough right? But how many times do you catch yourself tense and not breathing? In order for your energy to flow, oxygen needs to flow. Take 5 deep breaths every day. Try in the morning, during an intense conversation, try it any and at all times. There is a calmness that comes from consciously breathing deeply. Plus, if you need a more substantial reason; heck it's free, grab all the air you want.
Step 5: Take one inspired action a day - Taking action brings a sense of control and empowerment that automatically provides you pleasure. Now, note that I said "inspired" action. This is about listening to what you need and going for it. I'll give you an example: you are out running in the morning, the wind blowing through your hair, you are taking your deep breaths and you feel the sudden urge to visit an art museum; which you haven't visited in years. You smile at the thought. Now instead of being stuck in traffic in the next few hours on your way to work, guess what? Go to the museum first and if you happen not to make it to work that day; you possibly needed a day of inspiration. Just remember, don't go to the museum every day!
Step 6: Massage your feet - Now, don't look down at your feet and think to yourself, "I am not touching those". They are your feet and this is all about you. Your feet have the closest contact to the earth from any other part of your body. At the end of your day sit down, relax, and get that energy, calmness, vibrancy from your feet to the rest of your body. Feel the earth from your own source and find balance.
Step 7: Decide to live a life of joy - Say, "Yes" to your Joy. It's about willfully deciding that you want to live joyously. We are not accustomed to making daily conscious decisions, it's a characteristic we must strengthen. There is this assumption that we all have an underlying "truth" of wanting to live in joy. But are you mindful of what you say and the decisions you make every day so that they are in congruency with your heart's desire? Decide to live in joy today and intentionally renew those vows of joy daily.
Pause, let it all sink in, breathe! Don't judge yourself but bring awareness of how you feel in this precise moment of your life and where your actions lay in regards to these few steps. Do you do some of them, all of them, consistently or sporadically, are they "not you"? Now, just know that these 7 daily steps are a guide to allow you to start in your journey towards that undeniable yearning to feel joy. Joy is not just smiling and being happy, it is so much more than that. Joy is inspiring, it's energetic, it's spiritual, it's orgasmic. Joy is what provides you with an infinite source of energy for what you are meant and designed to be in this world.
No matter if you have already started your journey or just getting started, take these 7 steps every day for the next 30 days and seek your joy and wake up in joy today. As you start to observe the shifts in your life and yourself commit to 30 more days. But note, that if you don't even make it to day 5, try again and don't judge yourself for it. We all have the gift of choice, so choose to keep trying in your quest for joy. This a quest worth failing and getting back up for over and over again.
Live Joyously!
If you feel like I am talking to you that you want to feel joyous now, being successful in your desired career from a place of joy and passion without feeling selfish and unworthy don't procrastinate, don't second guess yourself. The cost of your inaction far exceeds the investment in yourself. You shouldn't continue to feel stuck, unsuccessful, fearful of taking action towards your growth and living each day without passion or joy...
Take action now, send me an e-mail at joyousyoucoach@gmail.com and if this is the right fit for both of us, we will make your possibilities come to life. Now remember spots are limited so take action now.

What Is the Colour of Your Success?

I find that before adopting any particular tactic or method in your life, it's worthwhile to take some time to really hone in and explore what success means to you (and only you). In other words, what is the colour, taste, smell and feel of success for you? For some it may be developing the ability to express a talent; splashing paint on a canvas or finding your voice in writing, for others it could mean leaving a 9 to 5 job and earn a lucrative living at a business you enjoy, for yet others, it may mean the getting to spend time with loved ones or having the freedom of lifestyle to travel.
Whatever your idea of success may be or whatever your plans and dreams are in life, have you considered that life may also have some plans for you? Yes, that's right, besides all the efforts that you may be out there to bring your dreams into reality, there may be a life or story that is even bigger than you've even dared to imagine that wishes to be lived or created through you! As the mystic poet Rumi says: "what you are seeking is seeking you".
I want to invite you into this archetypal realm for a little bit so that you allow yourself to explore this greater story, sometimes referred to as the "hero's story" (Joseph Campbell) I believe we are all called, at some level to follow our own hero or heroine's journey into bigger version of ourselves. I'm sure that you may have experienced this at times I your life when you've overcome an important obstacle or have had to rise to an occasion and face a set of circumstances that really challenged you. During those moments, you probably drew upon strengths you didn't even know you had within you.
In those moments, you stepped out of what I refer to as "the small story" into the "larger Story" of who you are and you probably had a taste of what success really looks and feels like to you in terms of a larger purpose you are here to serve. It's not the challenges themselves, but what we learn in overcoming them that brings us closer to our greatest capacities and our potential for success. Those times of struggle and obstacles tend to be the best training ground for what we need to learn and if we can seize those opportunities many doors tend to open as a result!
I wonder what smaller stories of success have you been perhaps stuck in or limited that you feel ready to shed and what life moments can you remember when you accessed the larger story that you may feel wants to be created within you?
Wishing you a radiant day!

Are You to Blame for the Successes in Your Life?

"Righteousness" is spelt the same way and "Sin" is spelt the same way
"Compromise" is spelt one way and "Holiness" is spelt one way.
"Self examination" is spelt the same way every time.
Does Right and a Little Wrong Equal Right? 
Life might be a few moments or 100 or more years, but during that time you are the person who will need to examine yourself. If you accept a lie as the truth then you are responsible. If you accept the truth in your life then you will be rewarded. The gift of a clear conscience can not be brought or stolen. It has been said you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. The writer and the reader are subject to the same rules. You are the captain of your life, it is your choice if you choose to live your life with purpose.
If you get away with wrong all your life, it does not mean that wrong is right. The moment of the last breath will come to everyone on the planet, so the fact is Righteousness and a little wrong mixed together will not produce righteousness.
Who is Your Captain? 
You are the captain of your mind, you have the power to have a clear conscience, by confessing the truth to yourself, will give you the power to have a clear conscience. Thoughts are things and wrong thought can lead to wrong actions. By the same rule good thoughts are able to lead to good actions. So you have an opportunity to persevere and fight to allow your thought to be good.
The Power of Accepting the Truth 
Nothing good comes easy, good things can take time and effort. So in order to get good thoughts consistently you will need to work on your thoughts on a regular basis. It has been said that you should think on things that are lovely and pure; Indeed it could be said that you become the thing that you think about on a regular basis. So choose your thoughts wisely and surround yourself with the situations and the kind of people of whom you want to become.
In concluding, you are the captain of your life, meaning you are responsible for all the things that you do in your life. You can not blame anyone. Successful people have been found to take responsibility for everything that happens in their life. If things are not right in your life take responsibility, and make the changes that will lead to the improvements that you desire. The first step could be as simple as acknowledging the truth, this may not be pleasant or easy to confess to yourself, however by accepting the truth to yourself could be the powerful step that can lead to great changes in your life.
To find out more, and see how you can get your copy, go to http://mgabrown.co.uk.

Tricks To Being More Positive And Releasing Negative Thoughts

By Marina Babenko

Are negative thoughts and worrying keeping you from being happy? Do you wish that you could be optimistic about your future but fear and worry about your current situation are destroying any attempt to change your life? Worry and fear can be very powerful emotions and they can overwhelm us and make it seem like we will be stuck with the life we're living forever. Depression, sadness and a desire to just give up are an everyday part of our lives. We want to be happy and we want to solve all the problems that we have but what can be done? How can you make the changes necessary when you are filled with these terrible emotions? Trying to just think positive doesn't work and these negative emotions just keep on coming back again and again.

When our life is in turmoil, often mornings are the most difficult time. You're confronted with worry and fear before you even get out of bed. It's another day filled with the same problem that you had when you went to sleep and chances are you didn't sleep very well, to begin with. You dread the day with the job that you despise or the relationship that you wish would change or the impending phone calls from bill collectors. No matter what the situation might be, it greets you as your reality seeps in and you're defeated before the day even begins.

Make a deal with yourself that you're not going to let these negative thoughts take up space in your mind for a certain amount of time each morning. When you are confronted with these bad thoughts, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're going to put off even thinking about these things until you've had a cup of coffee or until you're fully awake. Love yourself and give yourself a break first thing in the morning. Without your mind functioning at its best, nothing good is going to come from this worry and you're only going to get a bad start to your day.

Knowing that you're thinking in a negative fashion or that you're worrying excessively is another thing that you can do to circumvent the real problem at hand. Knowing that you're working against yourself and focusing on the problem instead of allowing a solution to come into your mind might be a good way to look at this. Fear and worry cloud your judgement. They block your intuition while positive thoughts filled with optimism about your ability to find a solution to the problem at hand helps your mind to work to find that solution.

When you feel that you are filled with fear or loathing about your life or your situation, tell that fear that it's not welcome at the moment. You understand that this is your instincts telling you to either fight or flee from a dangerous situation but you have the matter in hand. Worrying and being fearful can make you freeze like a wild animal caught in the middle of the road not knowing which direction to go to escape that danger. Channel that instinct and allow it to motivate you to do great things. Harness the power of your mind to find that solution as you visualize about your destination, that is, your life once you solve the problem that has you so upset. Dream about what you really want your life to be like and feel all the emotions that go along with being in that place in your life.

Being tough on yourself when these negative emotions invade your serenity can be difficult at times. You might think that you spend more time trying to push back against these emotions than you do living in this happy, positive state but if you're persistent, eventually being positive in light of any circumstance will become a habit. Being happy and optimistic is healthier and more productive than being negative and pessimistic. Knowing this and acting upon this knowledge can help you to make the changes necessary in your life to bring your dreams to reality.

If you're not in the habit of doing so, try putting some time aside when you can be alone with your thoughts and dream about what you really want. Look at photos that motivate you and make you happy while giving yourself permission to dream. Visualization is a practice that successful people around the world have spoken of time and time again as something that came before anything great that they ever did. The most successful businessmen in the world thought about their success before they ever did a thing. The tallest skyscraper in the world was a thought in the designers head before the ground was ever broken. What makes you think that your life and your dreams are any different. Think about what you want, get a bearing on the direction that you need to go and give yourself permission to achieve that goal. You deserve to live a happy life and not one filled with fear and debilitating worry.

About the Author:

Learn About Shopping For An Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit

By Aaron Grenbany

These days, many individuals are turning to vaping versus smoking, generally due to the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes. Some may choose to do this in order to continue to get the satisfaction of using nicotine, but without the use of tobacco. Others may do so as a means to potential quit nicotine altogether. However, gaining the right experience from vaping often starts with choosing the best electronic cigarette starter kit.

While electronic cigarettes aren't advertised to help people quit due to certain laws, people often find that they can be useful for this purpose. This is often due to the way vaping can feel, look, and sometimes even smell or taste similar to traditional tobacco items. Some even enjoy trying different flavors. Much of this will depend on the device that's used along with the flavor or type of e-liquid that's purchased.

Even though these items are not marketed specifically for cessation purposes, many find that they can be ideal when they want to get away from tobacco products. Some people have even claimed they were able to quit nicotine altogether, simply by lowering their nicotine content down gradually and through the use with the use of e-liquid. Because no two devices will be the same, however, it's important to research before you buy electronic cigarette products. Various types of devices are available these days. Some types are designed for more advanced users and can be quite large. They may also feature items like tanks, cartridges, cartomizers, or similar. Beginners and those who want the sensation of using a tobacco-based product often like to use e cigarette options, which also require a lot less maintenance.

Before you look for kits, it's a good to read up on vaping. This way, you can get an idea for what to expect and may be able to get a feel for what devices might be good to go with. You can usually do this by looking into related websites; however, many forums and online video reviews can be great sources.

It's a good idea to read up on vaping and the devices or accessories involved. Doing so before you start your search will help to give you an idea of what to expect and watch out for as you shop around. You can often find information through online sources, such as related forums and online video reviews. An e cigarette starter kit will usually come as a disposable or rechargeable option. Disposables can be ideal for individuals who aren't sure if they want to use e-cigarettes indefinitely along with those who want to sample certain e-liquid brands or flavors. Rechargeable options are typically more cost effective for long time use. Some people believe that they also produce a better vaping experience.

When choosing a kit that is customizable, it's important to look into its specifications. This is more so when it comes to the battery size, which will not only effect how long your device will last between charges, but also the weight and size of the device. Some kits may come with various accessories, such as USB or outlet charging device.

While choosing the right electronic cigarette starter kit, think about quality. If you feel that you may be interested in using the device long-term rather than a means to test out e-cigs, try to opt for one that's of high quality. You may also wish to look into the pricing of any additional accessories that you might need to purchase. It will also help to read customer product reviews.

About the Author:

There Are Many Advantages To The Ego Ecig

By Camille Nicholson

The ego ecig is one of the most sought after electronic cigarettes available on today's market. Individuals that use these items call it "vaping" and this specific product has numerous factors that contribute to its popularity. The most significant features are that the battery life on this model is exceptional, it also has varied atomizers, cartomizers and tank atomizers that attach to this electronic cigarette.

Any one that is using these electronic cigarettes for the first time can purchase a fully equipped starter kit. These starter kits include everything any person will require including fundamental accessories. It also has an easy to understand user's manual that shows all usage aspects such as cleaning, refilling etc.

Basically one simply has to push a single button to activate the device. This button also gives full vapor control, a light will show that the battery has been successfully activated. Additionally a drip tip makes sure that all dripping is directed onto the atomizer. This specific product emits a large vapor that satisfies even the pickiest person's smoking requirements.

Users are able to get between 750 and 800 puffs per day, which will satisfy even those heavy smokers. Safety features include a lock which prevents the battery from being inadvertently being activated and in turn protects the atomizer from being burnt out. By rapidly pushing the button 5 times it locks and unlocks the device.

Nicotine cartridges are designed to hold a much larger amount of e-liquid which means that one will not need to refill the cartridge as often. Users get to select from a wide and diverse range of atomizer products as well as cartomizers product ranges. All of these e-cigarettes use a basic yet extremely effective system that basically consists of a three part component device.

Firstly on one end it has a battery, which works to power these cigarettes and are fully rechargeable. They are also offered in several varied lengths and colors. On the other end one will find the cartridge that holds the nicotine fluid which is inhaled by the user. People that use these cigarettes have the choice of a variety of nicotine strengths and flavors depending on their unique tastes.

In between these two sections one will find the atomizer, this is in fact a minute microprocessor and atomizer in one. When the user puffs on the electronic cigarette, this microprocessor senses air flow and in turn energizes the incorporated atomizer. The incoming air flow mixed with the nicotine fluid is atomized and heated to resemble the smoke-like aspect and temperature of real tobacco smoke.

A red LED light which is activated gives it the appearance of a real cigarette, additionally it is the size of any normal cigarette. These clever devices are fully capable of satisfying any nicotine craving in a simplistic and ingenious manner, moreover, one fortified ecig gives approximately 550 puffs which roughly equates to 36 cigarettes or about two packs. Besides this, there is no ash or tar, residual tobacco smell, bad breath or secondhand smoke, thus making it safe to use anywhere without compromising on taste. You can now enjoy smoking, with added peace of mind.

About the Author:

How To Increase Your Chances Of Reaching Your Goal

Having a long-term goal means different things to different people. For some, long-term can mean having a 30 year goal, for others, it means a 5 year goal and for still others, it can mean something in between. Whatever it means to you, a long-term goal is something that you have to break down into smaller, short-term goals and those are what we are going to look at in this article.
Once you have a goal, you need to flesh it out into something that has substance. To do this easily, use these three steps:
  1. Write down the goal definition. This needs to be a specific, easily recognised, one-sentence description. For example; to lose 2 stone in weight, feel healthier and have a greater sense of self-esteem because I have lost the weight.
  2. Write down the date by which you will achieve this goal, for example 20 June 2014.
  3. Make sure that you include the amount; the quantity, the value, the numerical figure, whatever measureable term is relevant for your goal.
Once you have the above in black and white, list all of the benefits to you of achieving the goal. Be specific, think of ALL the positives you can and write them down. The weight-loss goal might have benefits such as 'my clothes will fit me more comfortably' or 'I'll feel more confident' for example. However personal, or irrational the benefit is, if you think it is a positive, it is, sowrite it down. The idea of writing these benefits down is that when you have moved through the intitial excitement stage and on towards the 'avoidance behaviour' or procrastination stage (ie, when it starts to get hard!) you can use this list to re-inspire yourself and to remind yourself why you are working towards the goal in the first place. As you write this list, visualise how it will be when you have reached it, clearly see and feel in your mind's eye how you will feel when this goal is reached. A strong visualisation will probably reveal to you some less obvious, indirect and incidental benefits.
If you genuinely can't think of a benefit for a goal, it is probably in your best interests to modify the goal, because you won't work towards something with all your heart if you can't see a benefit to it.
Once you have the benefits listed, make the opposite list; what you will think, feel or be if you fail to reach your goal. Write it down too, because this list can also keep you going when the going gets tough.
Now you know why you want this goal so badly, you need to list every single thing you will have to do to get there. It might be that you need to change your habits, your routines, and/or the places you hang out. For example there is no point trying to reach a weight loss goal if you won't let go of your twice-weekly 'all-you-can-eat' pizza nights, because it might upset your pizza buddies.
The last list you need to make is all the obstacles that might stand in your way and stop you from achieving your goals. Some of these will be external factors and others will be internal. Ask yourself 'what am I thinking that prevents me from reaching my goal?'.
Once you have done all the above and it is in writing, you are one of a small group of people who is likely to actually achieve what they set out to do. Remember, you can only take one step at a time. Make each step count by making sure it is heading in the direction of your goal.
It is surprising how much easier it is to achieve a goal if you are accountable to someone. Rather like the weekly club that slimmers attend, coaching gives accountability.
Coaching with me is both affordable and highly successful. Visit my website to find out more.

Where You Are, Where You Want to Be - How to Get There!

Life is pretty easy to figure out; we just complicate it by reading too much into it. We are wired to figure things out which work for us and we try a new approach if it isn't working.
A large part of getting to where you want to be is envisioning yourself already there. If you are a classical singer, you might picture yourself on stage of an opera. Whatever your vision is, you can get there. Making a vision board will help you obtain and retain new ideas of the future you imagined. But that is only one small part of making it to where you want to be.
One word will get you there, one simple word, determination. You can't buy it, you can't borrow it from someone. It has to burn within you. You will be tested, the universe wants to find out just how bad you want to succeed, so it may throw some difficult times at you to make sure that you still an active participant in your dream.
A half a dream is just that, a half a dream. It can't hold any water no matter how much you lie and tell yourself you're working hard for it. You get out of your determination exactly what you put into it. No lies or half-truths!
When your determination stops shinning, you will know right away. You will become lazy, and halfhearted about where you want to be. Your determination will sizzle out, and your attention span will not be as keen. What probably happened is that you started to doubt your abilities or you haven't seen the big pay off as of yet.
Relax, take a deep breath and get back on track. It's that easy. It is time to get back to the drawing board and map out your game plan. Get back into the game of knowing where you want to be. Focus your attention on getting there. Here are some things that might help you:
Where do you want to be? Define this as much as possible, this works in relationships as well as a business.
What steps do I have to take to get there? Be realistic! This means the time you devote to getting there. For an example, if it is a relationship, you might have to work on changing things a little bit, work on yourself, this takes time. In business, what needs to be improved? Adjust, or change what needs to be changed, make it perfect, this is your life.
Your plan on getting there means not only determination it means responsibility. It means putting in your time to build where you want to go. This means that you will have to be responsible with your time. There might be a party that you want to attend, but you have a special project that you want to finish. It means sacrifices. It means defining want and need.
Stay determined, keep the fires burning in your soul. Let your enthusiasm flow from your lips and let others feel the excitement in your voice. You can do anything in this life that you wish, all you have to do is get serious about where you want to be and let your determination take you there.
My name is Tami Principe, I am the creator of my website, http://www.WomensRecreation.com. In short, I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I believe that we can learn important lessons from our struggles. I developed my website to offer hope and encouragement to others. I am the author of 4 books, "Walk In Peace," "My Soulful Journey," "The Wishing Well," and "The Green Rabbit."
My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation. Feel free to listen to the archives.

Reasons As To Why Save Environment

By Wanda Rosner

According to research and proof from recent days, the world is undergoing serious environmental crisis. This is attributed to the poor lifestyles and machine usage, which have lead to increased emission of toxic waste. However, various people are currently concerned on how to help lessen these disasters. By exercising some of save environment practices, people can enjoy various benefits.

Water is a vital necessity to both people and other living organisms. This is for instance taking into considerations that, the marine life cannot exist if there was no water available. In addition, people cannot survive without water since they require it in doing most of their daily activities. It is for this reason that people should be careful to ensure reduced levels of water pollution.

Large emissions of chlorofluorocarbons can harm the ozone layer causing problems of global warming. If the ozone layer is damaged the huge amounts of ultraviolet rays released can affect your health and skin immensely. Therefore, it is always essential to decrease the levels of chlorofluorocarbons that may be released to the environment.

Despite the fact that herbicides, insecticides and pesticides are crucial in eradicating unwanted pests, herbs and bugs, inappropriate utilization of these substances can affect the atmosphere seriously. These chemicals can for example affect your heath and other living things. However, by practicing environmentally friendly techniques of removing unwanted bugs and pests, you can lessen the effects connected with these substances.

While burning fuels for electricity can be cheap and easy, the process generates a lot of toxic waste. This cannot only affect your health but also distress the performance of the ozone layer. Using renewable energy sources like solar panels can be an alternative cheap and ecologically friendly technique to cater for your electricity needs.

Accumulating huge heaps of waste materials to the landfills is quite perilous. Taking into consideration that, such matters would decompose to generate toxic emissions, this can be a great threat to your health and the ozone layer. If you are concerned on the amount of wastes sent into the landfills, you can however be safe from such dangers.

Ensuring that the environment is safe is essential for boosting the growth of plants. A good environment also enables plants to regulate the carbon dioxide, temperatures and humidity levels. As a result, this guarantees reduced amounts of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere as the majority of it would be consumed by plants to reduce the emissions being released into the atmosphere.

By exercising these tips on how to save environment, you can reduce the amounts of wastes and toxic emissions released to the atmosphere each day. If the atmosphere is safe, you can be sure of increased levels of safety and health levels since people would not be exposed to various toxic wastes. It is for this reason that it is essential to consider knowing and practicing these tips for caring for the environment in order to improve the current life conditions as well as that of future generations.

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